deck & swiming

deck & swiming

A structure that has to be filled with water always needs special knowledge and expertise to build. Such designs include swimming pools, giant water tanks, and other artificial water bodies.

For example, a swimming pool has to be super tough and leakproof to hold gallons of water without spillage or leakages in the nearby bodies/structures. In addition, other challenges are also associated with such water bodies, like minimizing the risk of cracks in the design and ensuring the plaster on the pool’s inner surface does not peel off or lose color.

This also includes that the swimming pool parts do not break!

swimming pool

As we specialize in structural engineering, we are often asked to look for all sorts of swimming pool-related problems and their cause. Such issues have uplifted our experience, knowledge, and skills, particularly on Hillside Swimming Pool design and construction.

A Hillside Pool design is an even next-level job, with even more complexity and challenges. And the reason for these challenges is the occurrence of “slope creep” that causes most pool failures. However, Ilya Engineering has a team of experts to help you overcome such cases with next-gen Hillside Pool design and construction engineering solutions.

So, if you are also planning to set up your hillside pool for a fantastic experience or have issues with your current swimming pool, feel free to connect with us!

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